9 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Kenya.
Tax Treaties and Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements
Kenya has ratified a significant and expanding number of tax treaties as well as agreements that promote and safeguard investments, including the Africa Growth and Opportunities Act, the Multilateral Trade System (MTS), and the ACP Cotonou Agreement.
This enables Kenyan exporters to benefit from various special access and duty-reduction programs that grant them preferred access to global markets.
Kenya has remained remarkably stable since gaining independence, even though its governmental structure has changed.
Kenyans have had more freedom since the country’s multiparty democracy was restored and a new constitution was enacted in 2011.
Regulatory Reforms
By implementing significant business regulatory reforms aimed at significantly reducing the number of licensing requirements and streamlining and transparently focusing licensing regimes on legal regulatory goals, Kenya is attempting to minimize the cost of doing business.
Availability and Access of Highly Educated and Skilled Work Force
Kenya takes great satisfaction in having a sizable pool of highly educated, talented, and in-demand laborers in Africa who have received training both domestically and at international institutions.
Strategic Location
Kenya is the most developed country in East Africa and is a popular destination for investors due to its advantageous location and advanced commercial infrastructure.
Numerous multinational corporations have established their regional headquarters in Kenya.
Investors now have access to over 385 million consumers in the bigger East African Community and regional markets.
Nairobi is a significant hub for transportation in East Africa, offering connections to major global destinations via Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. Together with all of these comes the handy time zone of GMT +3.
Highly Developed Social and Physical Infrastructure
Kenya’s remarkable and varied natural resources provide a comfortable and high standard of living. they range from landscapes and wildlife. among them is the renowned Maasai Mara.
The nation is proud of its top-notch healthcare facilities, dining establishments, and entertainment venues—a valid explanation for why Kenya is home to the greatest number of foreign residents and workers.
Fully Liberalised Economy
Kenya completed economic liberalization by eliminating all barriers that had impeded trade and private investment.
These include limitations on the remittance of profits and dividends, import and export licenses, and exchange controls.
Preferential Market Access
As part of its trade policy, Kenya is a signatory to several bilateral and international trade agreements.
Kenya’s products can be found in over 90% of global markets with the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) designation due to its membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Furthermore, Kenya is a party to multiple trade agreements. It benefits from trade-improving programs such as the Common Market of Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the ACP-EU Trade Agreement, and the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).
Well Established and Vocal Private Sector
Kenya is regarded as having one of the most resilient private sectors in the world, with a sizable private sector that includes many foreign investors. The economy of the nation has always been market-based.
The Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM), and the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) are important organizations that have expressed concerns related to the private sector.
Furthermore, through the Prime Minister Round Tables, the government regularly holds policy discussions with participants in the corporate sector.
9 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Kenya.