Why Candidates Should Have Mobile Phones In Exam Rooms
Why Candidates Should Have Mobile Phones In Exam Rooms
While addressing the House on Wednesday, the legislator said that students can only benefit from the current technology if it is implemented.
“I want to see that day when we shall be told to come to an exam room and have the following things a ruler, a calculator, a phone, and other things that is when technology will be developed,” the MP said.
The legislator said that it is unbelievable for police to be situated in exam rooms to guard against the use of mobile phones.
“A phone seems to be a very sensitive gadget which if it is around an examination centre, it can be used for stealing or accessing exams. I just pity ourselves and where we are in terms of technology,” he added.
According to him, during this generation, a phone should be an enabler for doing the examination. He added that time was gone when calculators and log books were not allowed in the examination rooms.
“There was a time when a log book was not allowed to enter the examination room and the calculator could not enter an examination room and if found with it, one would be exposed across the country for trying to steal the exams,” he said.
He added that, at the moment, a calculator is a requirement for one to sit for the national examination.
The Legislator said that a phone should be allowed in the examination rooms to enable the students to sit for their papers.
The 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) kicked off Monday for the main papers.
Over 900,000 students are sitting for the exams. The exam started on October 22, where the candidates took their oral and practical exams for the elective subjects.
On Monday, the candidates wrote the English Functional Skills paper during the morning hours, while Chemistry Paper 1 was administered in the afternoon.
Mathematics Paper 1 was done on Tuesday morning, and later on in the afternoon, the candidates sat the English comprehension paper.
On Wednesday, the students sat for Chemistry Paper 2 and English Paper 3 during the morning and afternoon hours respectively.
Kiswahili Lugha (Paper 2) and Kiswahili Insha (Paper 1) will be done on Thursday. Students will on Friday tackle Chemistry practicals being Paper 3.
Why Candidates Should Have Mobile Phones In Exam Rooms